How to Prep for an Author Visit!

1. Start with clear communication: when, where, how & who. Check out Bridget's pre-visit worksheet for clear sailing throughout the process of either a Zoom or in-person school/classroom visit!

2. Make sure your students have read Bridget's latest book! There's nothing to match the magic that happens when a group has already "met" the author in the pages of her book before they meet in person. The excitement ignites, and the author visit will exceed your highest hopes! Whether you've read the book aloud to your class or had each student read on their own, the enthusiasm will surprise you! Download Classroom

3. Give students the opportunity to buy the book beforehand. Then be sure to set aside time for Bridget to sign and personalize the students' copies, to delight their hearts. Bridget will always bring swag and giveaways to every school visit, so no child goes away empty-handed or without something personalized and signed...if you have remembered to plan for it. You won't believe the difference it makes in the level of student anticipation and participation!

4. Hype it! If you want maximum impact at school for all the effort you're putting into the visit, tell everyone! Make sure the librarian and the principal and the parents are in on the event. Send home flyers; hang posters in the hallways; post it in the online school calendar; announce it over the school speaker system on the day. Share the latest video Book Trailer with your students and families; read author interviews or articles, download classroom materials here on the website, and discuss! See you at school!